It's getting harder to document the big purge. I'm getting rid of things so fast now that the stuff is gone before I remember to even photograph it. I began as a minimalist by following the advice to 'get rid of fifty things'. Fifty is a joke. I am certain that I've purged hundreds, if not thousands of items.
The void left behind by removed clutter creates space full of pure potential energy. It's inspiring! What will I do will this space? It's important to avoid shopping after a purge. The compulsion to shop never fully goes away but I believe the best plan is to shop slowly. If one must shop, just browse, don't buy anything yet. Treat it like breathing. Slow the breath, don't stop breathing. There isn't much point in getting rid of all the clutter if one is only going to replace it with newer nicer clutter.
So here I am, sitting alone in an empty white room contemplating. Also, to simplify my life I don't use electronic devices after eight pm so I'll bid you goodnight.