Monday, September 29, 2014

purge before you move

A couple from Facebook came and took our queen sized guest bed for their ten-year-old. We plan to build a Murphey bed in the hut when we finish it.  It will have to be a double, we haven't enough visitors to warrant a queen.  The baby gets our old guest room.

The next day a client dropped off a box of baby stuff at my work.  When I got home there was a mystery box of more baby stuff by the door.  Another client had given us a car load of baby chairs and bouncers and all kinds of expensive plastic items.  Now we have two bassinets.

Look what happens when you give away a large item.  It creates a vacuum for abundance to fly into.  The black hole is immediately replaced with new matter.  It's called stuff because you have to stuff it to make it fit.

So much for my minimalist baby.  At least so far I've got a free baby.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

minimalism or laziness?

We got the keys to our place at last!  We have ten days off work to move in and based on the last two, I'd say we need them.  We got started on painting the interior and have plenty more to do.

Painting is the cheapest, easiest renovation with the most impact.  Based on this I expect that no further renovations will be necessary.  I would like to minimize the workload so that we can get started on watching the grass grow.

Our friends stopped by to visit and they welcomed us to renovation hell.  I could tell they were eager to end the loneliness of repair despair and could use some comraderie.  Perhaps their waist-deep workload would seem shallow when they see us up to our necks.

We mentioned that we were refinishing the wood floors in our living and dining rooms.  They showed us where the same wood could be found in the other rooms under a lasagna of new laminate, old vinyl, some glue, possible asbestos, and other layers.  They thought it best if we restored the original wood. Original wood sounds good but we have other jobs to do before I can settle in to sitting and staring blankly at our brand new living room walls.