Saturday, August 2, 2014

minimalist baby

I admired a child's new toy.  It was so stylish.  Her mum told me that it isn't really obvious that she has kids when you visit her house.  Her kid's stuff fits into her interior design.

I said I didn't want my house to be a sea of crap, but others insisted that kids need lots of toys.  Kids get bored easily and a big pile of toys (hopefully in a separate rec-room) will keep them happy and occupied forever.

When I was young, I had a toy box, about the size of your standard hope chest, and the rule was that everything had to fit inside.  If it was full and I got something new then something old had to go.  I liked to play shoe store and set up mum's shoes on the stair case.  I also liked to use that piece of fur she had for a tail and be a squirrel.

I definitely want to minimize my judgements.  I say to each their own.  I know it will be a reality check when the baby is outside and needs a carseat if we're going to drive anywhere.  I'm sure I'll need some stuff.  But what I want to know is, how little can I get away with?

Another mum insisted that kids don't need toys at all.  She says they play with cooking pots, boxes, anything in the house that is safe.  This sounds like an affordable option.  I think we all need a few fun treasures to play with.  I obviously have a computer to play with after all.  How little can I get away with?

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